Final Shardfall Desktop Update – Patch Notes

By: Quell Team Launcher Update

This update brings visual enhancements, balancing adjustments, and key fixes to ensure the best possible experience as we close out development.

Final Improvements & Additions

  • Enhanced Visuals & Animations – Improved world expansion effects, radial bars, shard models, and essence shrine animations. Tutorial enemies now behave more consistently, and knockback animations have been refined.
  • Boss & Mech Fixes – Better summoning interrupt tutorial and Codex entries, plus reduced hand clipping for mech enemies.
  • Quality of Life – A Quell Score Codex entry, profile selection UI (for playing without the launcher), and additional starting tile geometry.
  • Rage League – Improved handling for server shutdowns.

Balancing & Optimizations

  • Flamewall Adjustment – The unblockable attack requirement has been removed.
  • Smoother Movement & Perks Adjustments – Improved running ramp-up and balance changes to perks and boosts.
  • Performance Upgrades – Optimized VR tiles and smoother turning at high framerates.

Bug Fixes

  • Resolved an issue where tutorial prompts wouldn’t disappear when enemies died.
  • Difficulty settings now save correctly.
  • Quickplay’s infinite encounter is now truly infinite.
  • Fixes for spell sound effects, inventory refresh issues, and projectile behavior.
  • Quell Score now correctly starts at 0 on fresh saves.
  • Blocking no longer regenerates mana for Dark Evasion perk.

Thank you for being a part of this journey. We hope you continue to enjoy the game, and we’ll be in touch soon with more information about our final launcher, Impact firmware, and how you can access the game after Quell’s shutdown.
